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KMID : 0613820050150060972
Journal of Life Science
2005 Volume.15 No. 6 p.972 ~ p.978
Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism by Bloodtyping in Jeju Horse
Cho Gil-Jae

The present study was carried out to investigate the blood markers of Jeju horses. The redcell types (blood groups) and blood protein types (biochemical polymorphisms) were tested from 102 Jeju horses by serological and electrophoretic procedure, and their phenotypes and gene frequencies were estimated. The blood group and biochemical polymorphism phenotypes observed with high frequency were A^(af) (27.45%), C^a (99.02%), K- (97.06%), U^a (62.75%), P^b (36.27%), Q^c (47.06%), D^(cgm/dghm) (13.73%), D^(adn/cgm) (9.80%), D^(ad/cgm) (8.82%), D^(dghm/dghm) (7.84%), D^(cgm/cgm) (7.84%), AL^B (48.04%), GC^F (99.02%), A1B^K (97.06%), ES^(FI) (36.27%), TF^(F2) (25.49%), HB^(B1) (45.10%) and PGD^F (86.27%) in Jeju horses, respectively. Alleles observed with high gene frequency were A^(af) (0.3726), A^c (0.2647), C- (0.5050), K- (0.9853), U- (0.6863), P^b (0.4657), Q^c (0.5294), D^(cgm) (0.3039), HB^(B1) (0.6863), PGD^F (0.9265), AL^B (0.6912), A1B^K (0.9852), GC^F (0.9950), ES^I (0.5000) and TF^(F2) (0.4950) in Jeju horses, and specific alleles, D^(cgm(f)) (0.0196), HB^A (0.0147), HB^(A2) (0.0196), ES^G (0.0441), ES^H (0.0098), TF^E (0.0246), TF^(H2) (0.0049) and PGD^D (0.0098) were detected in Jeju horses. These preliminary results present basic information for detecting the genetic markers in Jeju horse, and developing a system for parentage verification and individuals identification in Jeju horses
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